February Mama

Monday, July 16, 2007

First haircut

So Will had his first haircut yesterday. I had been thinking about it all week, making practice sweeps at his hair with my fingers as scissors, and reading about how to cut hair on the internet. Then yesterday, just as I am getting him out of the bathtub and ready to cut his hair, John says, "You hold him. I'll cut it." And I figured, since John has seen his own hair cut many times, he might be more qualified than I am to cut Will's hair. So I handed over the scissors, and I must say John did a great job. It was tough, especially the back, because Will kept turning his head to see what was going on with those scissors! But we managed to keep him distracted long enough to cut it. There was a big fistful of his hair on the table when we were all done.

On one hand, I think the haircut makes him look older, like a little boy. But from other angles I think it makes his head look rounder and more baby-like. It sort of broke my heart to cut his hair, but it was getting really shaggy, as you can see from the photo above, and people were starting to say, "What a cute little girl you have!" Can't have that. .

We are moving to Southern California one week from today, and I am very excited. It almost doesn't feel real to me.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Top 10 Reasons Why I Am Excited to Move

We are moving in a little bit less than 3 weeks, and I am getting more and more excited. We have liked living in the Bay Area, but our new place is going to be very nice, with a lot of perks and amenities that we don't have now. So here is my top ten list:

10. Our new apartment is great. We don't really like the management where we live now--they have raised the rent hundreds of dollars since we first moved in and they just have not been very nice to deal with. Our current apartment looks nice from the outside, but inside it is stocked with the very cheapest appliances. The new apartment looks OK from the outside, but the inside is beautiful. It has nice appliances which includes a microwave, a stove with 2 big burners, which is so exciting for me, Corian countertops, and nice fixtures. It also has a very nice exercise room, with lots of machines and a lot of space, which should prove handy in my whole get-back-in-shape-after-having-a-baby routine, two pools, a kiddy wading pool, which should be fun for Will, and a tennis and basketball court.

9. We are living on the first floor, which we are a little worried about because of the noise, but it will be nice not to have to climb three flights of stairs anymore.

8. We get an office with a door, (right now the office is in an open loft) so it will be easier to work without being interrupted.

7. Free cable. Our new apartment comes with free cable which will be a big step up from the few channels that we get now, most of which don’t come in very well.

6. Walk-in closet. What woman doesn’t love a walk-in closet?

5. New nursery furniture! My parents have generously pitched in so that we can buy Will some really nice furniture to go in his nice new room.

4. Two bathrooms! One where we can put Will’s stuff, so we don’t have to constantly move it around!

3. There is a washer and dryer in our new apartment, which we use without having to pay. This is huge for me. Right now I have to lug our laundry up and down 3 flights of steps and we pay almost $50 a month to use the machines. And right now Will generates a lot of laundry.

2. Will gets his own room. Up until now we have lived in a small 1 bedroom apartment with a loft. In the new place we will have 3 bedrooms, and one of them will be Will’s exclusively. Right now he sleeps in the living room in a Pack N’ Play.

And the number 1 reason I am excited to move is:

1. John is going to begin a GREAT job, which comes with respect and stability and the opportunity to use his talents and ideas, which is, quite simply, the best thing about our move.