February Mama

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Oh boy

So today was the big day, the sonogram. I am still trying to get over the shock of it, even though it was a good shock. It was just such an unbelievable experience. That's my nose on our little baby! (Although I suppose it could be John's nose, as our noses are actually quite similar. . .) We got to see the heart pumping, with all four chambers, the little feet, the bladder, stomach and brain. The hands kept opening and closing, slowly, like the baby was waving at us. The sonographer asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby, and we said yes, so she pointed the machine between the legs and told us that we were having a boy. A boy!

It was so amazing, I am actually, for the most part, dumbstruck over it.


  • YAY!!! A Boy!!!! Forrest and his wife are having a boy too, I keep trying to get them to name it Marmaduke, but they just don't like it for some reason... Loves to you and John and baby!

    By Blogger Mel, at 9:47 AM  

  • YAY! Thanks, Missy. We are so excited. We just love this little guy to pieces already.

    By Blogger Cindybojam, at 1:24 PM  

  • Mollie--So good to hear from you! John and I HAVE decided on a name (unless, when the baby comes we look at him and decide the name doesn't fit. . .) but we are not telling anyone the name yet. I am feeling really good and the baby is moving all the time, which is weird and wonderful.

    By Blogger Cindybojam, at 10:01 AM  

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