February Mama

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

One trimester down?

This is me about 2 weeks ago, but I don't think I'm much bigger than that now. Yesterday was the first day of my 12th week. I am already starting to feel a little bit better when it comes to food, but my energy is still way down. My 2nd doctor's appointment is tomorrow, where I think we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat. My mom has instructed me to write down the baby's heart rate so that she can calculate whether it will be a boy or a girl. According to her, little baby girls have faster heartbeats than little baby boys do.

It will be good to go to the doctor, because I have settled into a kind of lull now, where I am feeling more fat than pregnant. The novelty of being pregnant has worn off for now. I wish I could feel the baby move inside me, to remind me that I am not alone in my body, to reassure me that it is alive and well in there. But I know it will be at least another month before I feel anything, maybe more.

I just keep telling myself to be patient and before I know it the baby will be in my arms.


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