February Mama

Monday, July 03, 2006

An exciting week

This week is going to be an exciting one, and I am not just talking about the 4th of July. We have our first prenatal visit on the 6th. We just got a letter in the mail from my OB-GYN, which said that we can expect an ultrasound at the first visit. That was unexpected, and I still don't quite know whether to believe it. I thought we would only get one ultasound, in the middle somewhere. The idea that I could see the baby inside me, even if it is only a baby bird still, the size of a kidney bean, already makes me feel weepy and joyful.

And then, after the visit, we are going to tell people. Our parents, our close friends. We might still wait a while before telling the world at large, for another month or so, but I really can't describe how good it will feel to tell the people that we love. I can't wait to tell my mom and share my excitement with her!

Time is passing quickly. Not very long ago I was moaning about my prenatal visit being 3 weeks away, and now it's 3 days away!


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