February Mama

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cat's out of the bag

First off, I want to say, "Happy Birthday, John!" Of course Baby, who is all knowing, sends his/her regards on this momentous occasion (although I don't really think Baby fully understands the concept of BIRTHday just yet. . .). It's crazy to think that by the time we have another birthday, our baby will be here. There will be a whole other person in our family. Our lives will be completely changed. We've come a long way from this couple of lovebirds kissing in the park.

My dad was the first to call last night, and later my mom called and the first thing she did was scream. I talked to them both for a long time, trying to fill them in on what I couldn't tell them for the last month. I can't even express how exciting it was to tell my parents. It was so good to hear them say that they were happy about the news. I get all teary just thinking about them holding our baby. Yay!

Now the proverbial cat is out of the bag, and I imagine that the news will spread like wildfire among our family and friends. It feels good to let people know at last! I feel like I can be myself, really tell people about what new and exciting things are happening in my life.


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