February Mama

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A baby and potato salad

Yesterday was the 4th of July, and my friend Wendy invited my husband and I to come over for barbecued steaks. I called my husband's mom and got her potato salad recipe, which I spent all afternoon cooking, slightly nauseated at the smell of hard-boiled eggs. But it turned out really good.

Wendy was nice enough to let me watch her when she changed McKinley, and when she gave her a sponge bath. Just a note for future reference: Babies do not like sponge baths. She screamed at the top of her lungs the whole time. But it's good to keep another fact in mind at times like these: Crying does not hurt babies. Wendy was totally cool with her. She said, "I'm sorry," to the crying baby but just went on cleaning her. She never lost her cool. I could learn a lot from that.

Tomorrow, my first doctor appointment!


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