February Mama

Monday, November 20, 2006

Seven months down

So here's the latest big bellied version of me. When I look at the picture it doesn't seem as big as I feel, yet it always surprises me to see pictures of myself at this stage, so obviously pregnant.

This weekend I had my Rogam shot (for women who have negative blood) and the 3 hour glucose tolerance test (which tests to see if I have gestational diabetes), so I felt like a bit of a pin cushion. While I was waiting in the lab to have my blood drawn, I met 4 other women of varying ages and ethnicities who are having a baby in February. It was so cool.

It's funny how, a few weeks ago, my due date seemed so far away. As of today, the baby's due date is 12 weeks away, and now that suddenly seems pretty darn soon. I keep getting more and more excited, because I will be able to hold my baby so soon! I am so looking forward to being a mother.


  • Rogam shots suck. You're belly is cute! Thought of any names yet??
    Love you guys!

    By Blogger Mel, at 7:30 AM  

  • We know the name but we aren't telling anybody. My husband's idea. It seems like when you etll people they feel compelled to tell you every jerk they knew with the same name or something like that.

    By Blogger Cindybojam, at 9:27 AM  

  • Yeah, I understand, I've been calling Forrest and Jess's baby to be Mortimer, and when anyone asks what the name is, I say, "Mortimer" That way when it is born, everyone will think it's a better name than Mortimer. :)

    By Blogger Mel, at 10:03 AM  

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