February Mama

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Looking into his face

So yesterday I had an ultrasound, which went well. My placenta is well up and out of the way from my cervix, which was the reason that they needed to look. The quality of the ultrasound in the Dr.'s office wasn't nearly as good as the big fancy radiology ultrasound we had at week 20, (see below) but it was great to be able to see the baby and be told how he was situated in my belly. All this time when I thought I was rubbing his head I was probably rubbing his round little butt!

This picture is of his face, looking at us. You can clearly see his brow and his nose. The only other picture the Dr. printed for us was of our baby's private parts, which he commented looked like a boy sitting on a copy machine. I thought I'd post this one. . .

I have only 10 weeks to go. Last night my husband and I went to see The Nativity Story, and I have to say I got all choked up when Mary gave birth to Jesus and just held him in her arms and loved her baby! (They also had this weird rope contraption that Elizabeth held onto when she was giving birth to John that I thought was pretty interesting. . .)


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