February Mama

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What's a Peacock?

Will and I at Stanford
The weather has been beautiful here lately, perfect for walking. John and I took Will to Stanford to walk around, right around sunset, which was great. We have also been seeking out new parks to go to, and so far we've taken Will to two parks that are less than a mile from our house. He sleeps in the stroller during our walks, except when you go inside. It's so fun, one of those activities that makes us feel like a family.

Will is five weeks old today. He is changing so much. Just in the last few days, I have especially noticed a difference in him. He is engaging more with the world, looking around, looking into our faces, trying to figure things out. See the picture below of him looking at Peacock. Peacock is wildly colorful, has a mirror in the middle of it, and each surrounding feather has something rolly or crinkly or noisy in some other way. Will has been known to stop crying to examine Peacock, which means that we always have it close at hand. He is also enjoying the swing a lot more, and often goes to sleep in it.

Breastfeeding, which has been such a struggle since about the second week, has settled into its own rhythm. Now it is almost easy. I understand now why all the books tell you to stick it out for at least 6 weeks. Still, there are feedings where Will seems upset afterwards, and cries for a while, and I feel so bad for him. I called my pediatrician about it and she said it was probably colic and would last another 6 to 8 weeks. Sigh. Yes, I am one of those mothers who calls the pediatrician with a list of questions. This weeks questions went like this: I explained his behavior after eating, asked if there was anything I could do (she said there wasn't, besides burping him regularly and keeping him upright after he burps), I asked when I should first introduce him to a bottle with breastmilk in it (she said now was fine, but she usually recommends between 6-8 weeks), I asked if it was a problem if he hadn't pooped in more than 24 hours (she said it was normal, some babies go days without pooping), and I asked about his eye, which still has a blocked duct and is a little gummy (she said it would clear up on its own--keep doing the nose stroking exercises she showed me). And that was that--questions answered. The call took all of 3 minutes.

Yesterday I finally received my Maya wrap in the mail. This is a special piece of fabric sewn into a sling so you can wear your baby and have some freedom with your hands. It took me an hour to figure out how to thread it and wear it. Then I put Will inside and he immediately wanted to nurse, which was so cool because I could feed him standing up, hands free! Then he went right to sleep, looking very content. I think the wrap makes him remember the womb.

Will contemplates Peacock


  • How are you liking your Maya wrap? I have a DVD the shows multiple different ways of wearing baby as he grows. You can have it if you want. I have two of the same, no worries. :)

    By Blogger J, at 11:01 AM  

  • I do like the maya wrap, especially when we're out because it makes nursing so discreet. Will is still not too sure about it though. I think he'll like it better when he's a little bigger.

    By Blogger Cindybojam, at 7:44 AM  

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