February Mama

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One Month Ago

This is March 6, which would make Will exactly one month old today. One month ago I woke up at 5 am with him still in my belly (it's unbelievable now, looking at him, that he was small enough to fit inside me!) and right now he is sleeping peacefully in his bassinet.

His umbilical cord finally fell off, so we gave him his first bath a couple of days ago. He was very cute about it. When I first put him in the water he startled and flailed his arms out, cried a little, and then very quickly quieted down and experienced the bathtub. It all went very well until right at the end, when John and I heard this funny noise and suddenly there was all this poop in the bathtub! I said, "Now what do we do?" and we ended up lifting him out and cleaning him off like a sponge bath. Afterwards I sat on the couch toweling off his hair (see picture above), and he was so awake and so sweet, just looking around, contemplating life.

It's funny how quickly you get used to the way things are, like nights with little sleep. Will is often fussy in the afternoon and early evening, crying after he eats like he's in pain. Then he seems so tired but will not fall asleep. He just cries and cries. I can feel my blood pressure rising when he cries like that. I don't know if it's the dreaded C word-- COLIC-- or something else. I usually spend the evening, when he is finally asleep, strategizing ways to help him come tomorrow. I am thinking of cutting dairy out of my diet (which I have done several times in my life, as I am lactose intolerant) and see if that helps. I drink peppermint tea which is supposed to ease digestion. I read books about baby massage. John and I just bought a Maya wrap, a sling to carry him in, which is supposed to be very comforting to fussy babies.

Still, for all that, I am enjoying my time with him. He's a good baby and I love him to pieces. John and I both do. It always melts my heart just watching John hold him.


  • I don't mean to grin so much when you describe, the "witching hour". It seemed that with all my babies from 5 pm to about 8 pm there was nothing I could do on this earth to stop them crying. It was like a timer went off, "Ding! Time for my 3 hour crying jag." Anyways, keep up the good work, you are such a good mommy!

    By Blogger Mel, at 7:46 AM  

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