February Mama

Monday, March 26, 2007

One hundred smiles

Will has now come into the smiling phase, which is great. So much fun. He smiles all the time, especially right after he eats, during his waketime. We have started to play games with him and he loves it: peekaboo and patty cake and itsy bitsy spider and nose beeping. I find myself making all kinds of strange noises, pops and clicks and whirs, and he just stares at my mouth wondering where the sounds come from. He is also starting to talk to himself and to Peacock, very clear oohs and "AIII". Very cute.


  • Hey babe, it's Robere!

    Just wanted to tell you I caught up on your blog and I'm so excited to hear that things have worked out so well. You guys look great and I love your new haircut! Sure it's a mommy cut, but you look beautiful. But you know me - always a fan of short hair even when I don't have it. I can't believe how blonde Will is, and how much he looks like John! Except his nose and chin, which are pure Cindy. I think his smile will be just like yours. Can't wait to hear him laugh.
    Kisses and hugs - love you so much it hurts!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:04 AM  

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