February Mama

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Poison Control

Last night was the first call to Poison Control. When I was a baby, my parents joked that they had to call so often that the people at Poison Control knew their voices. I guess I liked to put stuff in my mouth: I ate holly berries, mushrooms from the yard, dog food, furniture polish, and I got drunk on aftershave. I hope that I will be able to keep Will from following the same route. I have all my cleaning stuff in a high shelf that I have to reach over my head to access.

Yesterday Will banged his head on the coffee table. It's a sad but fairly regular occurence, and he always feels better when I get him this little baby-sized cold pack from the freezer. It has a little polar bear on it. So I gave it to him. Later, after Will was in bed, I discovered that the cold pack had split open somehow and the gel was everywhere, smeared on the furniture and the carpet, all over Will's clothes, etc. Yikes. So I called Poison Control and they told me it was not poisonous. Whew.

What scared me about it, and continues to scare me, is that I didn't even notice until hours later. Sure, I noticed that he was a little wet, but he has been teething and down with a cold last week, so I didn't think anything of it.


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