February Mama

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ready, Set, Go!

Today Will crawled for the first time. He has been practicing for weeks, but today, just before dinner, he just started to put one hand in front of the other and move forward. It was so cool to watch him figure it out, and then get better and better at it. John got this wonderful video of him crawling toward the camera. I am including it below.

We are starting to find a rhythm in this new place. I am introducing new foods to Will every few days. His first food, after the rice cereal, was peas. He ate it at first all smiles, but now he makes a little face when I start to give it to him. I think he expects it to be cereal. Still, he eats it, so I am hopeful that the other vegetables will go well, too. I want him to eat a lot of vegetables and get a taste for them before I give him any fruit.


  • Hey! I lost your email with the new addy and all that. I'll get that blanket done before the end of the year, I swear! Been real busy with singing, and moving into my own apt. as well! So happy for y'all! I remembered I could keep up with you at Feb's Mama. Glad I remembered. Hope all is well and congratulations!!

    By Blogger Nita, at 10:44 AM  

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