February Mama

Monday, August 06, 2007

A Month of Firsts

Will is six months old today! I can't believe half a year has gone by already. Today he was making the first real attempts at crawling, although he hasn't quite got it down yet. He's on all fours rocking back and forth, and today he started to lift his hands when he did that. I think he will be crawling VERY soon, and then I know I will be running after him like crazy.

I haven't had an internet connection for the last couple of weeks, since our move, so I am a bit behind on the news. Our new apartment is great! It is just wonderful to have all this room to walk around in. We have a place for everything. Will sleeps so well in his new crib, peaceful and quiet in his new room. John is getting ready to start teaching in a couple of weeks, and getting moved into his office and oriented on campus until then. Everything is going so well!

A few days ago we took Will to the beach for the first time, in Malibu. He was so excited by the noise of the ocean. We walked along the sand with Will in the Snugli on John's chest. I had slathered him in sunscreen, and he was wearing a big floppy hat! He looked so cute.

And, to top it all off, Saturday we fed him his first solid food: organic rice cereal. I have included the video below. All in all, it has been a stressful but exciting couple of weeks. I'll just be glad when we are completely unpacked and we can settle into our new little routines in this place.


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